Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday musings

Ok, not exactly musings but more like scrambled thoughts. Or random. So I guess it's really just a random things for a Monday. LOL

  1. I have a hangnail that is driving me nuts.
  2. I have a headache. Had a headache yesterday too. Just not sure if this is the same headache or a "I had too much psuedo sangria last night" headache.
  3. The weather person was right when they said that yesterday would be "super nice". It was. And not just the weather.
  4. I'm contemplating sending all of the stuff I need to send to family members (New Ma's baby shower thank yous. Birth announcements for two grandbabies (one of which is now 5 months old) and updated pics of said babies) in one big envelope with a note stating how sorry I am to be sending this stuff so late. Would that be tacky?
  5. We blew through about $35 worth of fireworks last night. It was a banging good time!
  6. Having friends over no matter how bad your house looks is still a good thing. When they are good friends they really don't care. I have to remember that more often.
  7. Perfection is overrated. Why do I still feel bad when I fall short?
Ok, now that I got that out of my brain I am going back to work. Chat at you soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Having friends over no matter how bad your house looks is still a good thing. When they are good friends they really don't care. I have to remember that more often."

So this is why I'm cleaning house today...the Ex-wife is not my friend