Monday, June 30, 2008

Dooce is giving away 5 Wii Fits

I still think that the fact that they call it a Wii Fit is hysterical. It makes me think of a toddler throwing a tantrum. And then nanny says, "look. She's having a wee fit. Isn't that cute." I think I may have a wee fit myself if the day continues the way it has. Seeing as how it's 3:20 and I'm just now eating lunch. oh well.

Anyway - if you don't read dooce you should. She's freaking hysterical. Honest and far from charming and occasionally a might bit offensive but in a "I can't believe she just said that" kind of way. Not the other way. I wouldn't read it if it were the other way. But you knew that already.

Here is a link to the giveaway post - Giveaway post You can enter as many times as you want. Me, I just entered once. But that's all I'll need. Because I have such good luck and that's why they won't let me in the casinos anymore. (I don't care what you heard. That's the real reason.) Besides, I only need 1 Wii Fit. I'll let you have the other 4.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok... I entered to win a Wii Fit, I'm so lucky that between you and I, we'll have 2 and the rest of the world will have 3 to deal with.

(BTW~ never seen that BLOG, can't wait to read it more)