Friday, February 22, 2008

10 Random things for a Friday

  1. I get to see Lucas tomorrow!
  2. I am 98% finished with this huge project that has been driving me nuts and causing me to be grumpy and sleep deprived and having had too much cafeine and anxiety attacks and just being an all round loser. But it's almost done. Tomorrow even.
  3. I have to work on a Saturday. Again. But the project will be done so that's a fire out.
  4. My desk is clean. Amber did it. And it somehow makes me feel a little better.
  5. I am feeling completely uninspired as to what to make for dinner tonight. Any ideas?
  6. Amber is done with her "actually having to go to school" classes in two weeks. Then she's on independent study for the rest of the semester
  7. I get to see Lucas tomorrow. Yeah I know. I said it twice. It deserves two.
  8. I get to have sushi for supper tomorrow night. Not Kona, but it'll be Pei's and that's just about as good.
  9. We are having a baby shower for Lucas' mom (Allison) on Sunday. I get to hold Lucas. That makes me smile. Big. Big Smiles.
  10. The great pregnant one weighs 130 pounds. She can't decide if that is good or bad. But she looks good. So it is a good thing. Any bets on how much she'll weigh in 9 more weeks?

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