Monday, July 28, 2008

My LOL for the day

first - my apologies for no 10 random things Friday. My mom was here. That's my excuse. I promise to do better this week.

This is an excerpt from an email from a friend today. I seriously laughed out loud. Hard. Hope you get a giggle out of it as well. (names have been changed to protect the not so innocent. )

I am doing okay, been a rough weekend. I was sick with stomach issues all weekend and of course by Saturday evening hubby said he was ill so he could not do anything of course this was after he went out the night before stayed out until the wee hours, worked all day on Saturday and then was two hours late to what we had planned for Saturday evening.... Boys are wimps.

Here is the difference between men and women when they are ill.

I mowed the backyard puking in between dumping bags of grass, did four loads of laundry folding and putting them away, did two loads of dishes, and made meals for the kids. Plus did two hours worth of work on the laptop.

Hubby watched TV and watched the kids. Who still managed in their father's care to dump a bag of sugar on the floor as well as a plate of ribs. Pulled out two puzzles and threw them all over the house and dumped three drawers of clothes in their bedroom. Yes, I cleaned all this up. However, In his defense he did run to the grocery store and grabbed dinner because he wanted the paper and gave the kids baths after I told him he had too. He left the room to check on something which ended up taking longer so the little one pooped in the tub so I told him happy scrubbing.

1 comment:

Becki said...

Seriously. I can't even add anything right now. This is just too accurate.