Saturday, July 4, 2009

2 Years, 3000 Visits, and a mind that can't hold a thought

So June 28th was the second birthday of this here blog. I missed it. 3000 visits we just surpassed. I missed that too this week. In the grand scheme of things I know that is only 28 visits a week. But I have to tell you that it still strikes me as funny that 28 people care what I have to say.

Hope your day is more exciting than mine.
  • Everyone else in my house has decided that napping sounded like a good idea.
  • I should be cleaning house but I can't get up the gumption.
  • We should be out doing something fun but there isn't much to do in Omaha on a 4th of July. which is really sad when you give it any thought at all.
  • Our thermostat has apparently given up the ghost. Or at least that is what we think the problem is. We'll see on Monday when I dare to call anybody about it. Good thing it's in the 70s and low 80s this weekend.
  • I should really get to the birthday planning for little one.
  • hubby's bday is Monday. We are celebrating tomorrow. I have no idea what we are doing beyond the chocolate chip cookies and lasagna he has asked for.
  • It looks like I could have some red tomatoes in a few days. :)
  • I asked hubby to get me a Diet Coke at the store earlier today. He brought back a 44 ounce fountain drink. I laughed. what was I going to do with 44 ounces of Diet Coke? um... it's gone. has been for about 3 hours.

I should really head to the grocery store. I wonder if Baker's is open?

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