Sunday, January 20, 2008

A mighty good weekend of not much of anything

So we're still on baby watch. No new news. We've instead spent the weekend doing a lot of nothing. Volunteered with Angel Food and SHARE for most of the day yesterday. Then I had stamp club with the always entertaining Sharon and Amber. :) Hi Sharon! Then home to do more of nothingness. Today was an exciting day of cleaning and going on a search for Union Suits for Jim. Do you have any idea how hard they are to find? I mean it's January. It's below zero. Shouldn't long underwear be a little easier to locate? Called a zillion stores before I found one that had some. But the search has ended and Jim is happy with his new red "winter fur." Oh yeah. And the grocery store. We went grocery shopping and spent a small fortune at Super Target. Then home to watch movies on TiVo. Have you seen Shattered Glass? If you haven't, it's really good.

See. This is why I haven't blogged lately. Really not much to talk about. Except a lot of nothing. So happy nothing day!

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