Friday, January 16, 2009

10 Random Things for a Friday

I obviously took an unplanned post-holiday break. and then some. I unplugged for a while and I must admit it was a very good thing. But now back to your regularly scheduled programming......

  1. I survived the holidays intact. And I even enjoyed parts of it.
  2. We ended the year with an actual night out to a New Year's Eve party. It was the first we have gone to since I worked at the bar. It was way past our bedtime when we got home though. We both were VERY tired the next day. :)
  3. I hired my first teenage babysitter in 15 years on New Year's Eve. She already loves the Little One so it was an easy transition. It was her first sitting job and she did wonderfully!
  4. You can buy 1/2 of a pan of Famous Dave's Kahlua Fudge Brownie for $32.00. I think this may be a birthday cake for someone this year. Just haven't decided who.
  5. I need new clothes. Some are too big. Some are falling apart. New Mama says I have to quit wearing my old stuff and join the present. This coming from a girl whose standard every day attire is a hoodie and pajama pants.
  6. Tea is my drink of choice in the cold months. I have 7 kinds of tea in the cupboard at work.
  7. There are 5 flavors of coffee in the same cupboard.
  8. Found a new sitter. What a pain in the kiester that was. I'd forgotten how much I dislike the whole process.
  9. Burt's Bees Replenishing Lip Balm is my lifesaver!
  10. Moving somewhere warm sounds really good right now. Whatever happened to my bar on the beach dream?


Anonymous said...

FYI, my birthday is coming up :) I am so glad you are back, I missed my Friday ramblings.

Becki said...

I always love your 10 Random Things for a Friday. I think I'll try to come up with my own 10 random things later today...